Orthopedic and Muscle Testing for the Acupuncturist

Upcoming Dates:

Santa Barbara CA - January 13th and 14th, 2024

Course Description:

The course will be 8 hours on both days. The course is approved for 14 CEU's through NCCAOM and CA. (14 because of an hour lunch break each day) It will cover orthopedic and muscle tests of the entire body from the cervical spine down to the big toe. We will cover the tests I've found to be most clinically useful and relevant. There will be hours of supervised practice to ensure everyone feels comfortable implementing the tests in the clinic. 

Topics Covered:

Cervical Spine Orthopedic and Muscle Tests

Shoulder Orthopedic and Muscle Tests

Elbow Orthopedic and Muscle Tests

Wrist and Hand Orthopedic Tests

Low Back Orthopedic and Muscle Tests

Hip Low Back and Muscle Tests

Knee Low Back and Muscle Tests

Ankle and Foot Orthopedic and Muscle Tests

To reserve your spot, please email me and I will send an invoice with the logistics letter.