What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine that has stood the test of time for the treatment of pain and musculoskeletal injuries throughout the body. Whether the condition is chronic or an acute injury, acupuncture can greatly decrease pain by releasing soft tissue tension, reseting neurological reflexes and pain signals, and calming the central nervous system.

Acupuncture can even increase the body's natural healing capabilities by decreasing inflammation throughout the body. (Blood serum levels of neuropeptides and cytokines have been shown to drastically decrease with one treatment per week for four weeks.)

Acupuncture creates more blood flow to injured areas and sends the entire body into parasympathetic nervous system dominance (rest and repair as opposed to fight or flight). Using the holistic approach of traditional Chinese Medicine alongside modern sports medicine ensures the most comprehensive care of musculoskeletal injuries.

What is dry needling?

Many people are unclear on the difference between Acupuncture and Dry Needling. There are some basic theoretical differences.

In Traditional Acupuncture, the practitioner is choosing points based off of energetic meridians’ dysfunctions and underlying patterns of disharmony.

In Dry Needling, the practitioner is treating anatomically significant points such as trigger points and motor points in dysfunctional muscles. Trigger points are needled to release painful and tight muscles. Motor Points are needled to reset overactive muscles and to reactivate under-active muscles. Both are very important techniques for a successful treatment of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.

Why I use both techniques:

I've been classically trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Anatomically Significant Dry Needling. Working with me means you’ll receive treatment that has roots in both thousands of years of results and modern scientific evidence. The relief you’ll experience is a direct result of my multi-disciplinary approach.

Ready to schedule your Sports Acupuncture appointment?



Using modern techniques that greatly improve functional mobility by focusing on opening entire fascial lines and creating space in the joint capsules. This is the stretching technique preferred by thousands of professional athletes all throughout the world!

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Rehabbing injuries to a functional level drastically reduces your risk of future injury and restores your performance to the level it was at before injury, or in many cases, even better than before!